• Subgrade Soil Stabilization Using Stone Dust and Coarse

    The effect of the addition of quarry dust was studied on compaction properties of clayey soil. The quarry dust was used in proportion of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% by weight of dry soil. It was found that 30% quarry dust resulted in an optimum

  • Strength Behaviour of Expansive Soil Treated with Quarry

    The Shear strength parameters of optimum mix of expansive soil and quarry dust, i.e. 5%, cohesion increasing from 16.37 to 36.3 kN/m 2 and Angle of internal friction

  • (PDF) A review of literature on stabilization of

    made the soilquarry dust mixes durable. Curing had pos itive effects on shear parame ters and had maximum values at 5%


    Download Citation STABILIZATION OF EXPANSIVE SOIL WITH EGG SHELL POWDER AND QUARRY DUST I S S N 2 3 2 18 0 7 X V o l u m e 1 2 N u m b

  • (PDF) Geotechnical Properties of Quarry Dust

    The olokoro soil and constituent of the stabilization and admixture procedure were studied under varying proportions of both

  • Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil using Waste Material

    effect of quarry dust mixed in different % of expansive soil. From the experimental results, addition of the Quarry dust to the soil reduces the clay content and

  • International Journal of ChemTech Research

    Quarry dust proved to be a promising substitute for sand and can be used to improve the engineering properties of soils. The dry density increased with the addition of

  • Introduction to QuarryDust as Partial Replacement

    QUARRY DUST IN SOIL STABILIZATION AND IN BRICKS. Fine and Coarse aggregate are basic need of construction industry and can be replaced by quarry

  • Introduction to QuarryDust as Partial Replacement

    proposed quarry dust to be used. QUARRY DUST IN SOIL STABILIZATION AND IN BRICKS. Fine and Coarse aggregate are basic need of construction industry and

  • Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil using Waste Material

    In this paper, the properties of the black cotton soil stabilized with different proportions of quarry dust are found. Quarry dust is the byproduct of extraction and

  • Effect of micro sized quarry dust particle on the

    Based on the result of the UCS values obtained for specimen cured for 7 days as recommended by Singh (1991), TRRL (1997) and Nigerian General Specifications (1997), only the optimal blend of 6% cement/8% quarry dust met the strength requirement of 1720 kN/m 2, recommeneded as benchmark for effective soil stabilization with cement.

  • Evaluation of experimental research on black cotton soil

    Soft subgrade stabilization with quarry dustan industrial waste U Arun Kumar, Kiran B. Biradar: During study quarry mud has chosen as a stabiliser. Research facility tests were led on soil with changed portion of Quarry mud. Atterberg breaking point and compaction check were alloted on each unfit and modified soil.

  • Effect of Fly Ash and Cement on the Engineering Hindawi

    The effectiveness of the use of waste fly ash (FA) and cement (OPC) in the stabilization of subgrade soils and the reasons likely to influence the degree of stabilization were investigated. Incorporating waste fly ash (FA) and cement (OPC) as additives leads to significant environmental and economic contributions to soil stabilization. This study


    Download Citation STABILIZATION OF EXPANSIVE SOIL WITH EGG SHELL POWDER AND QUARRY DUST I S S N 2 3 2 18 0 7 X V o l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 3 J o u r n a l o f A d v a n c e s i n c h e m i


    Quarry dust/crusher dust is obtained as soil solid wastes during crushing of stones to obtain aggregates. Now a day's different types of materials like lime, cement, fly ash etc. are used.

  • A Review on Stabilization of Expansive Soil Using

    The addition of quarry dust decreases the OMC and increases the MDD of the expansive soil. OMC goes on increasing and MDD goes on decreasing with increase in percentage of lime in expansive soilquarry dust mixes and up to 5% of lime content the MDD of expansive soilquarry dust mix is greater than that of virgin soil.


    the enhancement of quarry dust as stabilization material for four types of clays characterized as potential expansive soil. The soils were collected from three different locations in Keywords: Quarry dust; soil stabilization; expansive clays; volumetric change; compressive strength . v ÖZET Jeoteknik mühendislik bakımından şişen

  • (PDF) Experimental Investigation on Stabilized Mud Blocks

    The investigation has revealed that, out of all block samples, blocks which are produced from 5% cement with Red soil, Fly Ash, Quarry Dust, River Sand and 10% lime with Red soil, Fly Ash, Quarry

  • Clay soil stabilization using cement kiln dust IOPscience

    Abstract. This research investigated the suitability of cement kiln dust (CKD) on the stabilization of clayey soil extracted along a failed road section of Sango, Ota. Since CKD does not need any further processing or treatment, it is cheap as it is a waste product from cement production and can be utilized in powdery form.

  • Compressed Stabilized Earth Block using Fly Ash

    Collection of Laterite Soil, Quarry dust, Fly ash and Cement Aparna Roy(2014) "Soil Stabilization Using Rice Husk Ash and Cement", InternationalJournal of Civil Engineering Research, Volume 5

  • Effect of micro sized quarry dust particle on the

    Based on the result of the UCS values obtained for specimen cured for 7 days as recommended by Singh (1991), TRRL (1997) and Nigerian General Specifications (1997), only the optimal blend of 6% cement/8% quarry dust met the strength requirement of 1720 kN/m 2, recommeneded as benchmark for effective soil stabilization with cement.

  • 'XVW Expansive Soil Modified by Gravel Sand

    Soil stabilization is a technique that has been used in such cases. Stabilization is technique of enhancing characteristics of native soil or granular material used 15.28% is achieved at 10% replacement of soil with quarry dust [10]. FICSISTEEM IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 955 () 012062 IOP Publishing doi:10

  • Effect of Fly Ash and Cement on the Engineering Hindawi

    The effectiveness of the use of waste fly ash (FA) and cement (OPC) in the stabilization of subgrade soils and the reasons likely to influence the degree of stabilization were investigated. Incorporating waste fly ash (FA) and cement (OPC) as additives leads to significant environmental and economic contributions to soil stabilization. This study


    Keywords: Geotechnical properties, Black cotton soil, quarry dust, soil stabilization, optimum quarry dust content 1. INTRODUCTION Around the world, there are many structurally unstable and problematic geomaterials which are sources of worry to engineers working with or on them. They are considered problematic mostly because


    the enhancement of quarry dust as stabilization material for four types of clays characterized as potential expansive soil. The soils were collected from three different locations in Keywords: Quarry dust; soil stabilization; expansive clays; volumetric change; compressive strength . v ÖZET Jeoteknik mühendislik bakımından şişen

  • A Review on Stabilization of Expansive Soil with various

    With the addition of optimum percentage of ESP and varying percentage of quarry dust, further increases the MDD and decreases the OMC and the shear strength, angle of internal friction increases and the cohesion decreases. So, that the ESP alone with quarry dust used in combination with clayey soil possessed certain properties can be

  • A Review on Stabilization of Expansive Soil Using

    The addition of quarry dust decreases the OMC and increases the MDD of the expansive soil. OMC goes on increasing and MDD goes on decreasing with increase in percentage of lime in expansive soilquarry dust mixes and up to 5% of lime content the MDD of expansive soilquarry dust mix is greater than that of virgin soil.

  • Clay soil stabilization using cement kiln dust IOPscience

    Abstract. This research investigated the suitability of cement kiln dust (CKD) on the stabilization of clayey soil extracted along a failed road section of Sango, Ota. Since CKD does not need any further processing or treatment, it is cheap as it is a waste product from cement production and can be utilized in powdery form.

  • Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil by Fly Ash and Egg

    stabilization of weak soil deposits. When quarry dust is added with expansive soil it is expected that it will make it more porous, less durable, reduce cohesion etc., and also quarry dust has rough, sharp and angular particles and as such causes a gain in strength due to better interlocking. Charles M.O Nwaiwu: Charles M.O Nwaiwu and et al.


    stabilization of an expansive soil, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviornmental Engineering, Vol. 127. 3. IS: 2720 (Part 38) 1976 Compaction Control Test. (Hilf Method), BIS New Delhi. 4. IS: 2720 (Part 5) 1970 Determination of Liquid Limit and Properties of Stabilized Expansive Soil –Quarry Dust Mixes Issue 2, vol.1.1. 7.