• (PDF) The impact of acid mine drainage in South

    Exposure and interaction between the tailings, rainwater and atmospheric oxygen, produced acid mine drainage, leaching out the

  • The impact of acid mine drainage in South Africa South

    Abstract. Acid mine drainage (AMD) has received considerable coverage in the media of late and the number of short courses and workshops devoted to the topic

  • The impact of acid mine drainage in South Africa

    The regulation of acid mine drainage in South Africa : law and governance perspectives. Loretta Feris, L. Kotzé. Political Science. . Acid mine drainage (AMD)

  • Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa: Development Actors,

    However, mining activities are also associated with environmental contamination such as acid mine drainage (AMD). AMD is highly acidic water, usually containing high

  • Impact of Acid Mine Drainage on Water Resources in

    Abstract and Figures. This chapter provides a detailed description on the impacts of acid mine drainage (AMD) on water resources from the South African context.

  • Case Study Acid Mine Drainage South Africa

    The Cost Of Gold: Environmental, Health and Human Rights Consequences of Gold Mining in South Africa’s West and Central Rand. McCarthy TS. 2011. The impact of acid mine drainage in South

  • Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa: Development Actors,

    This SpringerBrief focuses on Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in the three basins in the Witwatersrand, South Africa. It provides a background to AMD and its

  • The impact of acid mine drainage in South Africa

    4. Naiker K, Cukrowska E, McCarthy TS. Acid mine drainage arising from gold mining activity in Johannesburg, South Africa, and environs. Environ Pollut. 2003;122:29–40.

  • Environmental effects of acid mine drainage Cape Town

    The acidity levels in the water make it unconsumable and harmful, thus, having an effective acid mine drainage water treatment plant is key in reducing the

  • Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa: Development Actors,

    This SpringerBrief focuses on Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in the three basins in the Witwatersrand, South Africa. It provides a background to AMD and its impactsfrom a social science perspective.The South African government and nongovernmental organizations’ response to AMD is assessed, as well the socioeconomic and developmental effects of

  • Management and Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage in

    As elsewhere in the world, environmental pollution through acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the main impacts cited in relation to South African economy dependence to mining.². As described in preceding chapters, AMD is produced when sulphide minerals such as pyrite (FeS 2) are exposed to both oxygen and water and accelerated by.

  • The impact of acid mine drainage in South Africa South

    Abstract. Acid mine drainage (AMD) has received considerable coverage in the media of late and the number of short courses and workshops devoted to the topic has mushroomed. The current interest was prompted mainly by concern arising from the decanting of contaminated water from the old gold mines in the Krugersdorp area into the

  • Overview of AMD in South Africa SpringerLink

    In South Africa, acid mine drainage (AMD) has become a highly contested issue as a technical or scientific matter, as well as its policy implications for the mining sector, water security and socioeconomic sustainability. Secondly, this book is concerned with mining and the quality of water in South Africa and the impacts of AMD.

  • Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa: Development Actors,

    However, mining activities are also associated with environmental contamination such as acid mine drainage (AMD). AMD is highly acidic water, usually containing high concentrations of metals, sulphides, and salts as a consequence of mining activity. The major sources of AMD include drainage from underground mine shafts, runoff and

  • Assessment of Impacts of Acid Mine Drainage

    1. Introduction. Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a pollutant that arises from exposure of metal sulphide minerals such as the abundantly available pyrite (FeS 2) to oxygen and water during the mining of metals

  • Governance and sociopolitical issues in management of

    Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one specific public health and ecological issue that has stirred debates in political and social circles in South Africa (Feris & Kotzé, 2014). This AMD problem, currently experienced by the government and society in South Africa, is, to a large extent, the result of the governance, the administration and the socio

  • Acid water trail of death reignites concern over

    17 Mar 1. There are more than 6,000 abandoned, ownerless or derelict mines scattered across the country, many of which are seen as ticking ecological time bombs. Last month, one of these

  • Management and Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage in

    South Africa is facing the increasing challenge of acid mine drainage (AMD) whose genesis is the country’s mining history, which paid limited attention to postmining mine site management. In mineral resourcerich Africa, this has emerged as one of the most daunting challenges of our time. South Africa has been bold in its approach to mitigating

  • Water pollution from acid drainage due to coal

    In South Africa, and particularly in the province of Mpumalanga, largescale coal mining operations also have an increasing negative impact on the country’s water quality and availability. A Both

  • Management and Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage in

    As elsewhere in the world, environmental pollution through acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the main impacts cited in relation to South African economy dependence to mining.². As described in preceding chapters, AMD is produced when sulphide minerals such as pyrite (FeS 2) are exposed to both oxygen and water and accelerated by.

  • An assessment of the impacts of acid mine drainage on

    For more than a century, the mining sector has played a crucial role in the economic development of South Africa. However, it also causes immense harm to the country’s people and environment. Gold and coal mining have serious implications for water management. The problem arises when contaminated water in the form of acid mine

  • Potential role of acid mine drainage management towards

    The discharge volume of acid mine drainage in the area is approximately 202 million L/day, which can be available to supply water for the community after treatment. This resource can also be fully utilized for extracting minerals, chemicals as well as clean water that are beneficial to support the sustainable development of the region.

  • Full article: Management of Environmental Impacts from

    South Africa's coal mining industry is the second largest mining sector after gold, with sales contributing 16% of export revenue in 2003 (R20 billion in 2000, equivalent to €1.98 billion in December 2007). Impacts of Acid Mine Drainage. In the order of 50 ML/d of mine water discharges into the Olifants River catchment (Maree et al., 2004).

  • The impact of acid mine drainage in South Africa

    4. Naiker K, Cukrowska E, McCarthy TS. Acid mine drainage arising from gold mining activity in Johannesburg, South Africa, and environs. Environ Pollut. 2003;122:29–40. 5. Winde FLA. Uranium pollution of South African streams – An overview of the situation in gold mining areas of the Witwatersrand.

  • South Africa’s abandoned mines endanger local communities

    Of roughly 6,000 abandoned coal mines in South Africa, at least 2,322 are classified as “high risk” to the public. But only 27 of these have been rehabilitated since 2009. “The ongoing water crisis in Carolina underscores both the potential impacts of unchecked acid mine drainage but also the lack of government attention to these

  • Impacts of mining on water resources in South Africa: A

    South Africa. Accepted 7 October, 2010 Acid mine drainage is recognized as one of the more serious environmental problems in the mining industry. Acid mine drainage is a major problem on coal and gold mines throughout the world and in South Africa, the main focus of this study, is no exception. Various studies that have been undertaken

  • Assessment of Impacts of Acid Mine Drainage

    1. Introduction. Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a pollutant that arises from exposure of metal sulphide minerals such as the abundantly available pyrite (FeS 2) to oxygen and water during the mining of metals

  • Environmental effects of acid mine drainage Cape Town

    The acidity levels in the water make it unconsumable and harmful, thus, having an effective acid mine drainage water treatment plant is key in reducing the impact of mining in the environment. You might be wondering how mines generate acid mine drainage. Well, it forms when pyrite is exposed and it reacts with water and oxygen.

  • Acid Mine Drainage (AMD): causes, treatment and case

    Also referred to as acid rock drainage (ARD), AMD emanating from mine waste rock, tailings, and mine structures, such as pits and underground workings, is primarily a function of the mineralogy of local rock material and the availability of water and oxygen. Because mineralogy and other factors affecting AMD formation are highly